Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Jeff Wheeldon
June 10
Spouse Birthdays
Andy Smith
June 4
Peter Parmentier
June 25
Jeff Wheeldon
Andrea Wheeldon
June 28
Steven Blakey
Allison Blakey
June 29
Join Date
June 14, 1989
31 years
Russell Hampton
ClubRunner Mobile
Brighton Rotary News July 3 2020
Rotary on the Patio - Yes today we met together on The Smoke House Patio (social distancing observed)
Members: 12
Guests: so sad, no guests
Smile: blush
We miss R Craig.
  • POD#1 has to think about July.
  • We are also talking to the Smoke House about partnering for a fundraiser: Brighton Rotary Stay at Home Rib Fest. Possibly late July or August. Smoke House would cook and prepare set meals, Rotary will advertise, collect money and deliver.
  • Next board meeting Tuesday July 21 at the home of R Clay. 6:30pm.
  • RI Global Grant for Brazil water project G-2165 has to be carried over to the next fiscal year. RI is looking for confirmation that we are prepared to carry over to 2020/2021.
  • Club is interested in participating in the Wellington Rotary bottle drive. In process to organize.
  • We have been contacted by Rotarian most recently from Midland interested in joining club, if he can make 7am meetings. Derek Denson is his name, formally of the Midland and Lindsay Rotary Clubs. He is a snow bird.
  • President Joyce presented PP Daniel with the RI Theme banner 'Rotary Connect the World' for his year as president.
Upcoming Rotary Events:
  • 2020 Rotary District Conference theme is 'Heroes and Champions' and will be held at Toronto Weston Prince Hotel October 23-25, 2019.
  • Rotary District 7070 is going to the Dominican Republic March Break 2021. A service opportunity - sweat equity.
Song: any ideas? No singing as not allowed due to COVID. Bring your masks next week.
Sharing Pot: R Chris is donating his prize to the club.
Happy Bucks: Grandson starting residency at Kingston Hospital today (a McGill graduate), glad to be back, not sick, always happy no other way to be, always glad to wake up, friend left bad situation on Canada Day, to see people in person, a beautiful morning, great eating outside on Patio, better than Zoom, to be enlightened, Rotary's donation to Relay for Life, being married to a wonderful women who made the man, together again, experience of Rotary.
Rotary (half) Minute: Recovery starts with Shelter. Having somewhere dry and warm to sleep, to prepare meals and be with your family, is vital for starting the long process of recovery.
Pathways to Independence
President Joyce introduced R Emily to share the purpose and goal of Pathways:
Pathways is a Developmental Services Organization, working with adults (over 18). They service people who with developmental disabilities, those who do not function like others.
Some have brain injuries. If brain injury before 18, it is considered a developmental disability. There are often health issues with people with developmental disabilities.
Older individuals who have an accident and suffer a brain injury have a past life, maybe with children or partner. They may remember them as they were and not as they are now such as remembering children always as 5 years old and not as adults that they may be now.
These people struggle often both physically and emotionally.
Risky life styles often lead to accidents and brain injury. Brain injury people are often difficult to deal with.
Historically, a child with developmental disabilities was encouraged to leave the family and live in an institution. The institution became their home, their family unit. They were not part of the broader community. That has changed, the institutions were closed and people moved out to be integrated into the broader community. Emily provided example of Prince Edwards Heights in Picton. Initially it was through Church groups who took people to integrate into the broader community, then schools and others.
A major goal is to help people secure work, a job. In the past, there were sheltered work shops where people worded doing menial labour, sometimes piece work, and low wages. The integration continues to change and evolve. They are no longer supported employment, no more sheltered work shops. They have to be paid minimum wage, but many cannot do anything but minimal tasks. In the transition, many lost their jobs.
The new system seeks to support the individuals do and accomplish what they want, whether travel or cultural. The new Passport program supports the individuals with some funds to do this.
Pathways support and help these people with developmental disabilities and brain injuries. They have 40 homes with 2 to 10 individuals and 24/7 support. There are some who live with families, and some on their own with intermittent support, visits from 3 hours a week or more.
Some people have dual diagnosis, with intelligence and mental health issues. They may not understand why they have to take medication.
Many exhibit bad behavior, make poor choices. However, it is there right to make these decisions. But like us, they have to live with consequences. Emily's role is the 'Rights' advocate, teaching them their rights, but also that they are responsible for their actions. These people are often lonely, and looking for acceptance and inclusion and this can lead to poor choices and relationships.
They also work with youth coming our of CAS at 18 who are not able to look after themselves yet. This is an area of growth for Pathways.
Sometimes, there are elder parents (over 80 years old) looking after adult children, and they can't cope any longer, often due to their own health concerns. Creates a crisis. It is difficult to get help and support.
Many are medically fragile, vulnerable individuals.
During COVID some living in communal homes have no opportunity to social distance. Pathways had to respond to protect these people
Funding primarily comes from MCSS and MoH. They have a Foundation, sell poinsettas in November for the Foundation.
Service Above Self