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January 29
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January 8, 2010
11 years
Jeff Pearsall
January 11, 1992
29 years
Victoria Weir
January 12, 2012
9 years
Jan 15, 2021 7:00 AM
Career on stage and ?
Jan 22, 2021 7:00 AM
Brighton Library update
Jan 29, 2021 7:00 AM
Feb 05, 2021 7:00 AM
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Russell Hampton
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Brighton Rotary News Jan 22 2021
We have a Brighton Rotary Channel. Check out:
Members: 7 including our intrepid Honorary Rotarian Bob Burke
Guests: none
1. News letter and general request for support from Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation.
Smile: blush
  • R Chris advised that he deposited Rotary Insurance COVID relief cheque of $141.
  • R Chris advised that R Murray has been warned not to participate in screen time as it may be causing his fainting episodes. He is waiting for test results.
  • R Emily will put together summary of coats for kids program for 2020.
  • Looking for speakers for February.
  • Rotarian John Burns from the Rotary Club of Bowmanville has been selected as our District Governor in 2023 / 2024.
  • The Rotary Club of Ottawa is going ahead with their annual 'Adventures in Citizenship' program virtually.
  • The Rotary Climate & Peace Forum is actively delivering Rotary's new focus on sustainability.
  • We have been approached about a drive thru ribfest concept.
Upcoming Rotary Events:
  • 2020 Rotary District Conference theme is 'Heroes and Champions' and will be now April 9 to 11, 2021, at Pan Pacific Toronto (formerly Weston Prince Hotel). District is working on how to move forward with this event, possibly some 'in person' events and virtually.
Sharing Pot: all are encouraged to share as they are able or willing.
Happy Bucks: presentation, to see R Bob, now has family doctor x 2, spring is coming, so warm out, lots of snow, being needed in a particular condition and getting various cheeses rather than cheezies due to auto correct, best move or 22 to Brighton in 2003 as they feel part of community.
Rotary Minute:
R Chris shared recap of recent email from PDG Bob Wallace concerning Polio Plus. Particularly the matching grant from Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation.
Brighton Library in the Pandemic
R Chris introduced R Bob Burke. R Chris noted that he is a person of few words however, R Bob is not.
Because we have been missing Bob so much, we asked him to present to the club in his role and Chair of the Brighton Library Board.
Bob said the Library is safe and in business. They have had challenges going back and forth from being open to the public to closed. They are now operating as a drive by format. You can order books via the phone or on-line and arrange to pick up your order at a designated date and time. Full access is available at the front door.
The Library CEO and staff have been very adaptable in these constantly changing times.
There has been no problems at the Brighton library.
Books are returned in the drop box. There are currently no late fees. Books taken from the drop box are quarantined for minimum 72 hours. They have a room stacked with books in quarantine before being put back in circulation.
There is a new devise that can sanitize a book in 60 seconds with ultra violet rays. They are considering purchasing one with the Municipality at cost of about $8,000. They believe it could be used after the pandemic.
In Brighton, out of a population of 11,000 there are 7,200 holding library cards. During the pandemic fewer people are taking out books, but those who are are taking more.
They worked for 10 years to upgrade the library and now we can't go in.
Digital books and services are also available. They have 4 Kindles available to borrow but little use.
Bob has been on the Library board for 13 years, 11 as Chairman. R Murray is also on the Board. Municipal Council reviews nominations for the library board and selects members, sometimes poorly. The library's budget comes from the Municipality, however, the board is a separate entity. Library employees are hired by and paid by the Library.
The lobby into the library is joint with the Municipality. There is free Wi-fi in the lobby, so it has become and lunch room for high school students. Unfortunately, some of these students have poor language and leave a lot of garbage. They now cut off the Wi-fi at 8pm. Vandalism is a problem.
The Brighton library is one of the busiest in the District.
There is a satilite site in Codrington for the library, but it is very small.
R Chris thanked Bob for his presentation.
Service Above Self