Members: 9, today's meeting was virtually with the Rotary Club of Stirling and Quinte Sunrise with special guest District Governor Ron Dick and our ADG Rick Riley who was camping. (Unfortunately the volume was a challenge).
Guests: none
A series of one liners:
What do you call a skeleton in the closet? Last year's Newfoundland's winner of the hide and seek contest.
Frog Parking Only - All Others will be Toad.
I can't hear in my left ear. I'm Deaf-in-it.
(there were a few others but I couldn't keep up) Too bad if you missed it.
R Daniel and Bentwood Rocker are planning another back yard concert for September 25th at $50/ticket.
Next board meeting in September to be determined.
Next bottle drive will be August 21 (third Saturday in August). R Chris recruited members to fill shifts on the day
Kiwanis will not have Fishing Derby until 2022.
District 7070 Tuesday Talks September 14 at 8pm is 'Youth Services - Get Involved'.
As we are meeting in person again, we need to reestablish POD's for our meetings: POD#1 Chris, Murray, Clay, Victoria, Daniel, Craig. POD#2 Steve, Jeff, Emily, Rudy and Liesje. Can POD#1 organize September with duties to include; setup and tear down, attendance, speaker and Rotary Minute
Upcoming Rotary Events:
Rotary Club of Campbellford Golf Tournament - at Warkworth Golf Course and it will be the 50th Anniversary of the event. Unfortunately, as we are still under the restrictions of Covid, we are unable to plan the usual dinner and social gathering following the day in the field. In fact, at this time, we are unable to employ the “Shotgun” start technique and are forced to revert to Tee Times due to the number of persons allowed to gather. (We are so hoping this restriction is lifted before the event so we can cancel Tee Times and plan on a 10AM Shotgun start on the course). In the meantime, we can only plan for what is currently allowed under the existing rules with T-offs starting at 9:00am (every 10 minutes to avoid congestion at the registration desk – please arrive 20 minutes prior to your t-off time). We will advise you of your T-off time in advance. This year, we have reduced the fees this year down to $100 (or $60 for WCG Members) because no dinner is being planned and instead golfers are being provided with a light lunch and of course, one Tall Boy will be provided. If you would like to play, please consider getting a team of 4 together (or even one or two of you) and register them as per attached form (2nd page). Let’s be sure to get the registrations in asap. We ask that you email it to and email transfer your payment to the same email link.
Colborne Rotary - Good Evening Dear Friends of Rotary, Attached please find the poster for our annual golf tournament. We are hoping that you can join us for this event at Shelter Valley Pines Golf Club. We are also looking for hole sponsors and donations of prizes. If you have any questions, please reply to this email only and not to Derek Denson's phone as instructed on the brochure. One of our Rotary Club members will reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to your continued support of our little club. All the best, Cathie Robins. Cost is $110/person, 9am start times, includes 18 holes, cart rental, on course contests, putting contest, prizes and lunch at the turn.
Foundation Walk September 26th, location to be determined.
D7070 Conference to be May 13-15, 2022 at the Courtyard by Mariott in Oshawa Ontario. Registration is $249 before September 1 and limited rooms for $129 per night. 'Be a Driver for Change.'
Rotary International Convention 2022 in Houston Texas June 4-8, 2022. Registration is now open.
Go to District web site for more information on any of these events.
Check out the District Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube channels to see what is happening in the District.
Song: we did not sing?
Sharing Pot: $20 to R Chris who donated it to the Foundation
Happy Bucks: to pick up youngest sister, Have a Roof!! just happy, visit with family, now time to regroup, Stratford theatre, mother passed quickly at 94 almost 95 and very active like a rabbit who appeared at grave site. 21.
Rotary Minute:
The 10 Rotary Clubs in Durham Region (and the Rotary Club of Port Hope ), on behalf of your co-hosts, the Rotary Clubs of Oshawa and Oshawa-Parkwood and Durham College invite you to District 7070'sWorld Polio Day 2021 - Live from The Rotary Global Classroom at Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario Canada. The event will run from 7 pm to about 8:30 pm live from The Rotary Global Classroom featuring Dr Bob Scott,(past Rotary International Vice-President and Immediate Past Chair of the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee ), Valarie Wafer, (Vice-President and Director of Rotary International) and Mike McGovern, (the current Chair of the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee). We are awaiting confirmation of additional senior Rotary International leaders as well. Together, they will update all of us about Rotary's efforts with our Global Polio Eradication initiative Partners to End Polio Now.
More to come later on our new District Governor Ron.who was introduced by ADG Kimberly Hulsman.
This Rotary year 2021 / 2022 is the Pivot Back year. DG Ron thanked the Clubs and introduced the District Team.
The following is from Andrew Marre, Secretary of the Rotary Club of Stirling.
Good morning all. Most of the meeting was taken up by the District Governor’s talk, which I will summarise as best I can below. A great breakfast from Larry and his kitchen minions. Other items:
Donna needs volunteers for the bottle drive or Saturday (2 needed) and volunteers with trucks and or trailers for taking garbage from the Yard Sale remains to the dump (3 loads altogether). Please help if you can.
Dates to remember:
Aug 21 Bottle drive and dump run
Aug 25 Normal meeting
Aug 25 New members zoom session
Aug/Sep Virtual Aids walk
Sep 1 Normal Meeting
Sep Parkinson’s Disease super walk (more details next week)
Sep 8 Monthly Social
Sep 14 Tuesday Talk on Youth Services
Sep 24 Golf Tournament
Sep 26 Foundation Walk, Trenton
Oct 21 World Polio Day (Zoom)
May 13/14 2022 District Conference
Lianne announced plans to have some of the older members give talks.
AG Kim Hulsman introduced our DG Ron Dick
Ron Dick designated this year as a pivot back year, in which he hopes we will be able to return to proper fellowship once more. He detailed the leadership and key committees of the District. He also noted that the latest version of all the Rotary Logos and brands is on the web page and everyone should use them for print work, clothing etc.
This year’s membership goal; is to increase the total RI membership from 1.2 million to 1.3 million. This does not include Rotaract clubs, although they are going to have a more formal structure.
He noted that Rotary now has a seventh area of service – Environmental Action – the recent Great Lakes Watershed clean up was an example of this in practice. The forthcoming Foundation Walk in Trenton would be carefully organised- limited numbers, masks etc and fully within the current rules.
For World Polio Day on Oct 21, all club Presidents would be invited to Durham College. The Toronto clubs are working on their World Polio Day activities (eg lighting up the CN Tower.
Youth Exchange will be returning in 2022 (Covid permitting), so planning needs to start now by working with the schools to identify potential candidates.
Next year’s district Conference will be in Oshawa at the new Marriott hotel; the keynote speaker will be from GM, talking about the electrification plans. The international Conventon will be June 4-8 in Houston; registration is now open.
The President of Quinte Sunrise outlined how their numbers have fallen recently, But they have been inspired by clubs like Stirling and Wellington and are now doing metal collection, a yard sale and are planning a fund-raiser with the Dugout. They have also been cleaning up the area around Quinte Conservation, which had become neglected.
Beckie said that in recent days they have obtained sponsors for all 18 holes at the Golf Tournament. It’s a big fun day; you don’t even have to be a golfer! Entry is $125 a head. They are going to need volunteers to help out on the day – probably 15, each for 3 hours or so. Please contact Beckie at if you can help. They also need raffle table prizes with a value of $25-50 – please buy a prize, find someone to donate one or send Beckie the money for one. Lianne noted that both McKeown’s and Boyer Ford are offering a car for holes in one. The hope is to raise lots of money!
Lianne noted that this Saturday is Lions’ Wing Night at the Fairground
Lianne said that the email about new T shirts will be going out this week.
Lianne announced that the Yard Sale raised $4500. We may not do one next year.
I think that’s about it, folks. There was a lot said so apologies if I have missed anything; feel free to amend correct, etc.