Lyn started by providing us a brief history of Rotary's involvement with Five Counties Children's Centre. And it is a significant interaction as Lyn advised us that it was about 10 Rotary Clubs in 1975 who saw the need and organized the creation and funding for Five Counties Children's Centre. Now Five Counties has several offices including Cobourg and Campbellford and at times in Brighton as well depending on where the needs and children are. They have 125 employees. There goal and vision is to create abilities of Life working with children from birth to 19 years of age. They work with the children and their families. They work with families who are unique and know their needs. Also working with staff, communities and .services. In 1975 the serviced 130 children. 4,430 children were supported in 2020. 32,781 treatment sessions in 2020. There were 157 children served in the Brighton area with 2,139 treatment sessions in 2020. Over 50% of treatments involve speech and language skills. However, there is a waiting list of children needing services. Lyn shared some stories and pictures of children supported by Five Counties. This included her own son who was labeled 'would not amount to much' in school early, but with support and help from Five Counties he has blossomed, finishing high school with a 98% average of now at University for Engineering. Five Counties work with children to learn new ways of doing things. Doing things differently. They help kids succeed. During COVID they were able to continue services on site, virtually, over the phone and in back yards. A lot of their funding comes from the Provincial Ministry, but also some Municipal and donations. They are planning a fundraising GALA on Saturday June 25th, 2022 in Peterborough. Their 1st Annual Backyard Summer Social for adults only. There ask at this time, is for a $500 donation. Five Counties came out of Rotary and they have maintained the connection. There goal is to raise $250,000. They want to get kids from 251 families off the wait list. PP Daniel thanked Lyn. He remembers learning about Five Counties from past Rotarian and the Brighton clubs first President Bob Briden. Bob was a long time Rotarian and previous member of the Port Hope Rotary Club.