WE HAVE A NEW HOME AND MEETING DAY -we meet Wednesday morning at 7am at the Brighton Gate Restaurant
Members: 10 + 2 special honourary Rotarians Jeff and Bob
Guests: Bev Woods, Dave Wyndham, Latietia de Witt from St. Catharines South and Terry Lynn
Free Day of Giving - Gift from the Heart (Oral Health Care Professionals) will provide Free teeth cleaning and extraction to first 100 people. Saturday September 11th starting at 8am at 488 Dundas Street West Belleville.

From the papers:
Local prominent lawyer had surgery and when he woke up in recovery all the blinds were closed. When he asked why, the nurse advised that there was a terrible fire across the street and they didn't want him thinking the surgery was a failure.
Something about John Travolta having COVID 19 because he had night fevers, but he is staying alive.
The President of IKEA has been elected President of Sweden. He promises to have the Cabinet together by Thursday.
(R Craig may have to slow down for the poor scribe).
Announcements:- Ruth Kerr is organizing a massive yard sale for this weekend to raise funds for Bridge Hospice.
- R Daniel and Bentwood Rocker are planning another back yard concert for September 25th at $50/ticket.
- Next board meeting in September to be determined.
- Next bottle drive will be September 18. R Chris reported that last Saturday we took in 5,379 items and raised a net $636.45. A big thanks to Rudy for vehicle to pull the trailer.
- As we are meeting in person again, we need to reestablish POD's for our meetings: POD#1 Chris, Murray, Clay, Victoria, Daniel, Craig. POD#2 Steve, Jeff, Emily, Rudy and Liesje. Can POD#1 organize September with duties to include; setup and tear down, attendance, speaker and Rotary Minute
From our last meeting an introduction of our new District Governor Ron Dick:
Member Rotary Club of Sudbury (1985 to 1990)
Past President (1987-1988) Presidential Citation
Attended Rotary International Convention in Philadelphia (1988)
Member of District 7010 WCS (World Community Service) Committee (1988-1990)
WCS Project visit to Conseulo, D. R. to complete the project of outfitting instruments for the High School and Town Music Group (1989).
District Governor’s Representative (Assistant Governor) (1989-1990)
Hosted Group Study Exchange Team member (Pakistan) and two Youth Exchange Students (Sweden & Germany) during my time in Sudbury.
WCS (World Community Service) is now called International Service
Member Rotary Club of Saskatoon (1990-1996)
Past President (1995-1996) Presidential Citation
Member District 5550 WCS committee (1992-1996)
Completed WCS project to provide fresh potable water to the town of Fancy and celebrated the successful project completion with a visit to St. Vincent and the Fancy Water Project.
Hosted one Youth Exchange Student (Philippines) during my time in Saskatoon.
Member Rotary Club of Winnipeg-Assiniboine (1997-2000)
Chairperson District 5550 WCS Committee (1996-2000)
WCS project visit to Lima, Peru as a member of the District 5550 Team to celebrate the completion of the WCS project of Ophthalmological Equipment for Eye Hospital in Lima, Peru.
Rotary Foundation District Service Award (1997/1998) for completion of $1M+ in WCS projects in India, Zimbabwe (5 projects & 22 Schools), Philippines, St. Vincent and Lima, Peru.
Rotary International Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service (2000)
Our move to the GTA in the spring of 2000 and my new career duties (extensive travel) required that I take a sabbatical from Rotary.
Member of the Oshawa Rotary Club (2014 to 2021)
Board Director 2016-2021
Past President (2016-2017) President Citation
RLI- Rotary Leadership Institute graduate
Attended the Rotary International Convention in Toronto- June 2018
District 7070
AG Assistant Governor (Port Perry, Whitby-Sunrise and Courtice Clubs) 2018-2020
District Advisory Council (Action Committee Chair- Areas of Focus) 2017-2019
DG 2021-2022
Community & Family
My wife, Karen and I are Volunteer Cyclefit (Spin Class) Fitness instructors at the Durham Family YMCA and we each do two classes each week (pre-Covid) and looking forward to gyms opening back up.
Karen is the Regional Manager of the Canada Life Group Claims office based in Pickering.
Karen and I enjoy cycling, golf, camping, skiing and travel to sunny destinations. We completed the Ride to Conquer Cancer (Toronto to Niagara Falls) in 2016, 2017 & 2018 and are looking forward to continuing in the future when live events resume.
Karen and I have lived in Oshawa since 2000. We are proud of our blended family of four children, Stephanie 34, Michael 33, Sarah 31 & Christopher 30. We have two granddaughters, Madison & Emma with another on the way due in September.
Independent Financial Advisor- 40 years experience in the Financial Services industry as an Advisor, Branch & Regional Manager and Financial Services Executive.
Upcoming Rotary Events:- Rotary Club of Campbellford Golf Tournament - at Warkworth Golf Course and it will be the 50th Anniversary of the event. Unfortunately, as we are still under the restrictions of Covid, we are unable to plan the usual dinner and social gathering following the day in the field. In fact, at this time, we are unable to employ the “Shotgun” start technique and are forced to revert to Tee Times due to the number of persons allowed to gather. (We are so hoping this restriction is lifted before the event so we can cancel Tee Times and plan on a 10AM Shotgun start on the course). In the meantime, we can only plan for what is currently allowed under the existing rules with T-offs starting at 9:00am (every 10 minutes to avoid congestion at the registration desk – please arrive 20 minutes prior to your t-off time). We will advise you of your T-off time in advance. This year, we have reduced the fees this year down to $100 (or $60 for WCG Members) because no dinner is being planned and instead golfers are being provided with a light lunch and of course, one Tall Boy will be provided. If you would like to play, please consider getting a team of 4 together (or even one or two of you) and register them as per attached form (2nd page). Let’s be sure to get the registrations in asap. We ask that you email it to mailto:Secretary@CampbellfordRotary.ca and email transfer your payment to the same email link.
- Colborne Rotary - Good Evening Dear Friends of Rotary, Attached please find the poster for our annual golf tournament. We are hoping that you can join us for this event at Shelter Valley Pines Golf Club. We are also looking for hole sponsors and donations of prizes. If you have any questions, please reply to this email only and not to Derek Denson's phone as instructed on the brochure. One of our Rotary Club members will reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to your continued support of our little club. All the best, Cathie Robins. Cost is $110/person, 9am start times, includes 18 holes, cart rental, on course contests, putting contest, prizes and lunch at the turn.
- Foundation Walk September 26th, in Trenton
- District 7070 Tuesday Talks September 14 at 8pm is 'Youth Services - Get Involved'.
- D7070 Conference to be May 13-15, 2022 at the Courtyard by Mariott in Oshawa Ontario. Registration is $249 before September 1 and limited rooms for $129 per night. 'Be a Driver for Change.'
- Rotary International Convention 2022 in Houston Texas June 4-8, 2022. Registration is now open.
- Go to District web site for more information on any of these events.
- Check out the District Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube channels to see what is happening in the District.
Song: we did not sing?
Sharing Pot: $35 to R Rudy who donated it to the Foundation
Happy Bucks: Speaker / Awesome / enthusiastic, great idea, be more enthusiastic, helping new families to the area, grand kids this weekend, wishing success, to be with family and friends, attending Queen's Cup, theater, old and new faces, giving back.
Rotary Minute:
From RI President in the September RI magazine:
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month in Rotary. Enhancing literacy skills is critical in our pursuit of reducing poverty, improving health, and promoting peace. In fact, if all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, it would result in a significant cut in global poverty rates.
Without education, illiterate children become illiterate adults. Today, 14 percent of the world’s adult population — 762 million people — lack basic reading and writing skills. Two-thirds of that group are women. Literacy and numeracy skills are essential to obtaining better housing, health care, and jobs over a lifetime.
Especially for girls and women, literacy can be a life-or-death issue. If all girls completed their primary education, there would be far fewer maternal deaths. And a child is more likely to survive past age 5 if he or she is born to a mother who can read. Improving outcomes for more people worldwide is possible only if countries remove barriers to education for girls. The economic argument for doing so is clear: In some countries where schooling is geared toward boys, the cost of missed economic opportunity is more than $1 billion per year.
Empowering people through education is among the boldest goals we have as Rotarians. We don’t have to travel far from our homes to encounter those whose lives are being curtailed because they struggle with reading, rely on others to read for them, or cannot write anything more than their own name.
Starting this month, consider how your club can Serve to Change Lives through literacy: Support local organizations that offer free programs to support adult literacy or local language learning, or that provide teachers with professional development centered around reading and writing. Become literacy mentors, or work with an organization like the Global Partnership for Education to increase learning opportunities for children around the world. Have conversations with local schools and libraries to see how your club can support their existing programs or help create needed ones in your community.