Financial Report for period ending January 31, 2019 circulated.
Notice of Motion:
Driving Simulator – Ed has sourced an alternative simulator that is easier to transport and cheaper. No trailer required. Fits in trunk of vehicle. Motion 2019-02-05: by R Dan to pledge $5,000 to the Driving Simulator brought forward by Ed J, conditional upon funding from other sources being sufficient to purchase the system. Second by R Victoria, carried.
There was some discussion concerning this motion. By-laws stipulate that an expense greater than $2,000 must be brought to the club for approval.
R Ricardo advised that outbound student Ethan Taylor is going to Sweden. It was his second choice.
R Ricardo was talked to Rochelle's mother, who says she is doing fine in Taiwan but is looking forward to returning home.
R Mark advised that Golf books should be available soon. Cost stays at $35 each for up to $3,500 in value. Brighton will get 120 books to sell. Cost to club about $6 each. R Mark offered idea to help sell books.
R Victoria offered some ideas about switching up format for Auction this year.