Members: 15
Guests: Linda Walas and Janice Dale
- Thank you card from the Apple Route Grannies for Rotary's donation of $300.
- Bar B Q season is starting - Hospice Walk at Memorial Park Sunday May 6 starting at 9am to set up - R Jeff B and R Bob B will Bar B Q, R Mark has volunteered to move trailer around this weekend to multiple Rotary events
- Spring Valley PS - Thursday May 17, set up at 4:45, serve at 5:15, food provided we only cook
- Big Give at King Edward Park June 2, 10am to about 3pm. Rotary to provide 600 hotdogs and give away
- No Frills Eat Together event June 22, request from Mike and Lori to assist, more info to follow.
- Request to participate at Canada Day - July 1. Board will decline participation at Canada Day.
- Diners and Duffers books available. Please sell as this is an excellent fund raiser for the club.
- Fishing Derby next weekend. All shifts full. Set up starts at locker Friday May 4th at 4pm. Tear down Sunday May 6 at 4pm at Gosport.
- Brighton Rotary Golf Tournament at Barcovan June 18, 2018. We will limit teams to 18 only. Go out and get sponsors and teams for this important Club social and fundraiser. Brighton Tire will sponsor hole in one.
- Spelling Bee to be at Brighton Public and Smithfield this year May 11 and 18th.
- District Assembly at BMO LI Saturday May 12 - all encouraged to attend, great learning opportunity.
- Club President's Bar B Q date changed to July 17th at R Dan Thompson's home.
- Street Dance will be July 28th.
- Interclub BBQ - August 20 at Proctor Park. Campbellford Rotary will bring trailer with 180 chairs, 30 x 6' tables and lots of other stuff.
- Applefest Food Booth - September 29
- R Victoria proposed Octoberfest Dance October 12 possble.
- 65 students registered for Camp Enterprise. R Daphne will coordinate drivers for ENSS students.
- District Conference next year to be held in Wellington October 27th. 'Rotary Reunion'. Easy to attend and minimal cost. Register in D7070 web site, also opportunity to host fellow Rotarian from away.
- Opportunity for young people (age 13 and older), either exchange students, interactors or Rotaractors to participate as flag bearers at RI Convention in Toronto June 24th. The have to be available June 23 for rehearsals. For more info if you have a candidate, see Pres Steve.
- R Mark reminded us that Eastern Star holding fundraiser at Masonic Saturday noon to 2pm. Funds for Community Care.
- R Mark reminded us of Civic Awards Saturday at 5:30
- Cornerstone Northumberland holding Donor reception of new donor recognition wall (Brighton Rotary will be on this wall) on Friday May 4th at 4pm.
- R Ricardo advised that Emmy moves to Sharp's home May 6. We are looking for host families for coming year.
- R Victoria circulating list for donations to booze bucket for Golf tournament.
Song - This Land is Your Land
50/50 - $?? won by R Ricardo who donated it to Foundatoin
Happy Bucks: weather, Europe trip for 3 weeks, summer trips planned, Friday, Aida show at ENSS is great, Halifax trip for 5 and 9 birthdays, gender reveal, presentation, to be back, grand kids meeting Pluto and Miss Minnie, attending TFC game.
Rotary Minute: R Keith shared story of Rotaractors working together throughout Africa. Across East Africa, Rotaractors are transcending borders. Since 2013, young people from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda have come together for annual gatherings as part of Rotaract East Africa Impact, commonly known as REACT. Each year, they focus on a particular need related to one of Rotary's areas of focus, such as disease prevention, maternal health, and water, sanitation, and hygiene.
The inaugural project involved planting trees, teaching hygiene, and providing career guidance to students at two primary schools in Masaka, Uganda. In 2014, young leaders converged on Buterere, an impoverished area near the Burundian capital, Bujubura, to carry out a project in cooperation with UNICEF and other partners and donors. "We showed households how to use modern water purification methods, and we donated jerry cans and pails to assist with water collection," says Sarah Maingi, a participant from Kenya.
In 2015, teams met in Kenya, where they contributed mosquito nets and helped to cleanup in a slum area. In 2016, in Rwanda, they planted gardens and distributed clothing at a settlement of genocide survivors. In 2017, in Tanzania, the Rotaractors distributed medications and folic acid tablets to expectant mothers, along with delivery kits and diapers for newborns, at a hospital in Dar es Salaam.
Fundraising is a challenge, but working with scant resources hasn't dampened the Rotaractor's spirits. The convocations include time for fun and camaraderie, with cultural nights that celebrate members' homelands. the overarching theme, however, is cooperation. "REACT is drawing together young leaders from diverse backgrounds," says Maingi, "and empowering them to better serve their communities."
Christmas and Fairs
Join different sports
Blue Jay game
Wonderland in Toronto
Riding a forest trail in the fall
Fire a firework in daylight
Try surfing
Joining YMCA