R Emily introduced Sir Courtney all the way from Trinidad and Tobago where he has been marooned for several months due to travel bans.
Courtney Doldron has been a member of the Rotary Club of Willowdale since December 2015 and has recently transferred his membership to the Rotary Club of North York in September 2020.
He has and continues to be an active participant at the club, district and international levels within Rotary. He started serving as the Director of International Services and later became club
president 2018/2019 with the Rotary Club of Willowdale. As a former teacher with TDSB and TDCSB, basic literacy and education has been a passion of his. He is the past chair of the
District Literacy Committee and currently serves as the Secretary of the Basic Education & Literacy Rotary Action Group (BELRAG). Additionally, Courtney serves on the Membership Committee, the
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, as well as an Assistant District Governor in D7070. Internationally, he is a member of Peace RAG, Mental Health RAG and Plant Food Solutions RAG.
Courtney is a human rights, multicultural/intercultural, cross cultural consultant, and educator. Coupled with having extensive community development work related experiences, as evident in
his work in Canada and Rotary Internationally, his training includes but is not limited to Tools of Tolerance, Safe School Ambassador, Race Relations. Values Education, Multicultural
Education and Conflict Resolution Management. He is a Peace Builder with Piece Builder International (Canada). He was awarded a Community Builder Pin by the Federal Government of
Canada for Canada’s 150th Anniversary. Courtney’s has held multiple leadership roles in his passion areas including but not limited to the Caribbean Cultural Committee-Caribana, Black
Coalition for Aids Prevention (Black-Cap) and Ontario Multicultural Association to name a few.
Heather Drakes, Chair of the District 7070 DEI Committee as well as other members John Cairns and Nakita Williams also joined us for the presentation this morning.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Two years ago at the Rotary International Convention a new strategy was identified to be created for the 2023 Convention. D7070 as Leaders quickly took up challenge and created DEI Committee of which our own R Emily is a part. From the District, the goal is that Diversity Equity and Inclusion will trickle down to clubs.
As one of Rotary's core values, diversity should be one of our great strengths. As a sign of our commitment to creating an organization that sets the standard for valuing and living the principals of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), the Rotary International Board adopted Rotary's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement in January 2019.ore Values of Rotary - Diversity should be a core value of Rotary
RI Vision Statement:
Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our communities and in ourselves.
Rotary's Core Values - Integrity, Service, Leadership, Fellowship and Diversity.
Equity:Rotary strives for the fair treatment, opportunity, and advancement of all Rotary participants.
Diversity: Rotary welcomes people of all backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and identities.
Inclusion: Rotary is working to create experiences where all people feel welcomed, respected, and valued.

To achieve the vision of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation, we have set four priorities that will direct our work over the next five years.
Increase our IMPACT
Expand our REACH
Enhance participant ENGAGEMENT
Increase our ability to ADAPT
To help us achieve our goal, the RI board of directors passed a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement:

"As a global network that strives to build a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change, Rotary values diversity and
celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status,
culture, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Rotary will cultivate a DIVERSE, EQUITABLE, and INCLUSIVE CULTURE in which people from underrepresented groups have
greater opportunities to participate as members and leaders."
Diversifying your club is not just about including a mix of people. It’s also about working well together.
If your club includes different ethnicities, ages, cultures, has a good gender balance, and educational backgrounds it will have greater
capacity to serve your community and communities around the world.
Equity vs. Equality:
Equality is about dividing resources in matching  amounts, and equity focuses more on dividing resources proportionally to achieve a fair outcome
for those involved.
The goal of treating everyone the same way is noble and something we applaud, but it ignores the fact that people tend to differ in their abilities, resources and
experiences. Those differences tend to actually become barriers; when we ignore the barriers, we end up promoting privilege.
Equally important is creating a culture of inclusion, where these differences are respected, supported, and valued. Diverse doesn't automatically mean inclusive. Create an environment that’s inclusive
by modelling these practices in your club:
  • Empathy
  • Openness
  • Trust
  • Honest dialogue
  • Respect
  • Valuing Differences
Not only is inclusivity crucial for diversity efforts to succeed, but creating an inclusive culture will prove beneficial for club engagement and impact.
Empower: To empower is to give someone the authority to do something or to make someone strong or more confident. Empowering our members will create a
culture of creativity and openness. Develop leaders in your community and club by encouraging community involvement.
The mandate of the District 7070 DEI Committee is to:
• contribute to the implementation of the RI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Statement in District 7070 and the relevant goals of the Rotary District 7070
Strategic Plan;
• enable District 7070 and clubs to grow and better reflect the communities we serve and be inclusive of all cultures, experiences, and identities;
• develop policies and best practices to make our district and clubs more welcoming, inclusive, and appreciative of each other;
• provide opportunities to foster greater understanding and awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion matters, including DEI training; and,
• initiate activities to publicly celebrate our district’s wide range of diverse members with an understanding that we are open to all.
 What Can our Club Do?
  1. Talk about diversity with your club members -Create a member diversity and inclusion action plan using the Diversifying Your Club assessment.
  2. Invite local diversity, equity, and inclusion experts to speak at your club’s next gathering
  3. Encourage and support people from underrepresented groups to take on leadership positions in your club and district 
  4. Encourage club members to take the Building a Diverse Club course in the Learning Center to learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion
  5. Create a community advisory board and invite diverse members from the community and from your club to take part
  6. Connect with your area DEI representative for support - You'll learn what's important to the community and discover ways to work together to take action
  7. Connect, engage and empower Rotaract, Interact and Early Act clubs. This promotes generational diversity and continuity
Let's Make it Happen.
R Liesje thanked Sir Courtney and the Committee members for joining us.