R Chris introduced Martha Warren:
Martha lives in Brighton across the road from ENSS where she teaches and runs THREADS, a social help program for students in need from her classroom.
Martha is truly dedicated to the students. She continues to operate THREADS although in a limited and reduced capacity due to COVID restrictions to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Her reach is limited to her 2 classes, about 50 students. She does suspect that some of those students extend it to friends.
Martha thanked Rotary for our support and donations. Costs are borne by Martha and not the board. With some recent funds she helped a particular family with Christmas as  well as some gift cards for some students in need.
Prior to COVID she would see 150 students through her class during lunch on Wednesday for snacks etc. No more.
She continues to do what she can to help students in need. She bakes and has a limited sharing program. Recently she received an Insta Pot as donation, then a student asked about help for Christmas gift for father who likes to cook. The Insta Pot found a home.
Martha is looking for foil lined food containers at reasonable cost.
In past with help from Community Martha organized help / support for kids at their graduation.
Martha can't say no. She loves the students and wants to help and support them in a safe way and also so they don't feel degraded, but of worth.
R Steve thanked Martha for all she does for the ENSS students at ENSS.