R Emily in her role at Pathways as Diversity & Inclusion has used this TED talk several times.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) - Ideas worth spreading.
The Danger of the Single Story
Young women shared several examples of how a single story can impact our lives.
As a young girl growing up in Nigeria to middle class parents she was an avid reader. However, all her books were from America and Britian about white people. None represented her, her family or Africans.
Her family were able to hire local help and there was a house boy who was from a 'poor' family. When she visited the 'poor' boys family they had a beautiful weaved basket created by the house boy's brother. This did not fit with her story that they were 'poor'. She learned they were poor but also hard working.
At age 19 she went to University in the US and found that her roommate had a very backward view of African's. Her roommate was surprised she could read, had such good English and was educated.
After several years in America she visited Mexico and her initial single story of Mexican's was related to them as immigrants and crooks.  She found a different story.
She went on to talk about Power, and that those with Power are often the ones telling the Stories that we consume.
However, we need a balance in the stories we learn, we need a wider experience. Stories matter.