We have a Brighton Rotary Channel. Check out: https://youtu.be/1UCS-Ze-az0
Members: 9 including our General Honorary Rotarian Jeff Brace
Guests: Will Samis, Don Samis and Vernon Bailey
1. News letter from Shelter Box saying their supplies are down in the face of the pandemic.
- R Chris advised that he has not had many reasons to visit bank lately.
- Diners and Duffers committee meeting via Zoom scheduled for Feb 17 at 7pm.
- R Emily's special date is April 17.
- Looking for speaker for February 19.
- The Rotary Club of Ottawa is going ahead with their annual 'Adventures in Citizenship' program virtually.
- Brighton board expect to meet next in February after stay at home order lifted.
- We will organize committee meeting for proposed spring virtual auction soon.
- R Liesje waiting to here from Jan Hoselton on couple proposed designs.
- R Emily and R John Cairns making Diversity and Inclusion presentation to Rotary Club of Wellington March 15 and willing to present to Brighton after. (sign her up).
Upcoming Rotary Events:
2020 Rotary District Conference theme is 'Heroes and Champions' and will be now April 9 to 11, 2021, at Pan Pacific Toronto (formerly Weston Prince Hotel). District is working on how to move forward with this event, possibly some 'in person' events and virtually.
Sharing Pot: all are encouraged to share as they are able or willing.
Happy Bucks: Great big thanks to R Clay for wonderful speakers this month through his brother Will, for the memories of farm life (or at least visiting farms), to see everyone, Vernon's sharing of Poetry - really lovely, different hobbies, expressing one's self, cancer growing but healthy enough to take pill with less side affects, ability to cope vs trying to fix everything, weekend vs everyday is weekend, new hobby of stamp collecting, cancer surgery hoping all is well, poetic farm references and the memories, presentation, having 3 doctors not good, less guilty about afternoon naps, back into Friday morning groove with Rotary, all good good, daily 1 hour walks, season changing, to be thorn in side, better ways to treat cancer, going through old pictures of Relay for Life Rotary team from 20 years ago and remembering, great speaker, to be with us, to be here, brother Will, Murray back.
Rotary Minute:
R Chris shared how the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) in Ontario repurposed plastic shopping bags to craft sleeping mats for homeless people in their community. The club’s young Rotary leaders committee, made up of members under 40, launched Mats for Hope in November 2018, says Julia Lee, a club member and organizer of the project. Club members pitched in to cut the bags into strips and crochet them into mats measuring roughly 38 by 75 inches, or the size of a twin mattress cover.
Brighton Rotary has also collected old milk bags and passed to Daphne Simms for similar uses. Daphne is still collecting milk bags and when she has enough, passes them to R Cheryl with the Rotary Club of Colborne.