We have a Brighton Rotary Channel. Check out: https://youtu.be/1UCS-Ze-az0; https://youtu.be/o83riO_4YQs; https://youtu.be/an_aDx8L-wI
Members: 9
Guests: The newest favourite Jack Jacklyn, Sunita Gill virtually from Pakistan
Correspondence: Newsletter and general request for support from Youth Unlimited.

When you marry the right woman you are complete. When you meet the wrong one you are finished. If she catches you with the wrong one you are completely finished.
- Next board meeting Tuesday August 17 at home of Liesje and Andy at 16 Anne Street.
- Looking for speakers for August.
- Next meeting July 30 will be a club forum to review discuss club Strategy.
- R Daniel update on new home. In consultation with Jenny, possible to go to Brighton Gate Restaurant on Telephone Road on top of the hill. We may need to switch our meetings to Wednesday breakfast. More to come so pay attention.
- Until further notice we are meeting in King Edward Park under the shelter.
- Next bottle drive will be August 21 (third Saturday in August).
Upcoming Rotary Events:
- Rotary Club of Campbellford Golf Tournament - at Warkworth Golf Course and it will be the 50th Anniversary of the event. Unfortunately, as we are still under the restrictions of Covid, we are unable to plan the usual dinner and social gathering following the day in the field. In fact, at this time, we are unable to employ the “Shotgun” start technique and are forced to revert to Tee Times due to the number of persons allowed to gather. (We are so hoping this restriction is lifted before the event so we can cancel Tee Times and plan on a 10AM Shotgun start on the course). In the meantime, we can only plan for what is currently allowed under the existing rules with T-offs starting at 9:00am (every 10 minutes to avoid congestion at the registration desk – please arrive 20 minutes prior to your t-off time). We will advise you of your T-off time in advance. This year, we have reduced the fees this year down to $100 (or $60 for WCG Members) because no dinner is being planned and instead golfers are being provided with a light lunch and of course, one Tall Boy will be provided. If you would like to play, please consider getting a team of 4 together (or even one or two of you) and register them as per attached form (2nd page). Let’s be sure to get the registrations in asap. We ask that you email it to mailto:Secretary@CampbellfordRotary.ca and email transfer your payment to the same email link.
- Foundation Walk September 26th, location to be determined.
- D7070 Conference to be May 13-15, 2022 at the Courtyard by Mariott in Oshawa Ontario. Registration is $249 before September 1 and limited rooms for $129 per night. 'Be a Driver for Change.'
- Rotary International Convention 2022 in Houston Texas June 4-8, 2022. Registration is now open.
- Go to District web site for more information on any of these events.
- Check out the District Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube channels to see what is happening in the District.
Song: In the Good Olde Summer Time
Sharing Pot: $16 to R Steve who donated it to Polio Plus.
Happy Bucks: to be here, all $ in the box, always happy, box to pitch in, to meet in person, James graduates today, pop ups in Trenton and Katie has a delicious coffee (iced coffee), saw baby Jack, appointment for new hearing aid, friend kidney transplant today.
Rotary Minute:
From the upcoming August RI Magazine:
Why is it, though, that our senior members no longer inspire young people with their life experiences? Retirement in America has become an excuse for our senior members to become uninvolved, uninspired and unconcerned about the future of our younger leaders. This is not unique to service organizations, but applies to business, churches and governments as well.
At age 63, I realize this is no small issue, but it needs attention. Rotary, if not the country depends on changing this dynamic.
To our young leaders, I say: do not let older members off the hook. Force them to share. Be assertive in asking for their input. You need them. They know that. Long age, they needed their elders too.
Roger Nagel, Corrales New Mexico