Whats New at Brighton Rotary today:
Next board meeting will be held at R Daniel's cottage June 20th
Elizabeth and her children will arrive in Canada June 4
Brighton Rotary together with the six Rotary Clubs in Northumberland County will plant 500 trees in our communities this fall.
Bowl for Kids Sake - Big Brothers Big Sisters - We had fun in the Gutter so we were named appropriately - the Gutter Gang.Our 2024/25 inbound youth exchange student will be a young lady from Finland, to arrive mid August.
We are cooking for Spring Valley PS fun fair Wednesday June 5 after school.
R Audrey and R Daniel are organizing a team for the June 8 Relay for Life walk in Trenton. They are looking for team members and donations.
We have one D&D book available for sale.
We are cooking for the Pride Pop Up in the park June 15.
Rotary bottle drive by the Arena Saturday June 22.
Street Dance on Main Street Saturday August 3.
District Assembly - June 1, 2024 from 8am to 2pm at Centennial College Event Centre 8th floor, 937 Progress Avenue, Toronto.
Vision statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Members in attendance today: 9 Correspondence:
Guests: Alicia Vandine from United Way Northumberland
1. DG John Burns weekly news letter.
2. From the Campbellford Rotary Club upcoming events (see attached posters) - Car tour is now poker run June 9
3. ENSS Graduation will be Thursday June 27 at 1pm.
4. Good Afternoon Friends of Rotary Club of Colborne. Attached please find the poster for our upcoming Golf Tournament on June 13/24. We hope you will come out and support us! We are also looking hole sponsors and donations of either money or prizes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me @ 905-269-1666 or lawless.robins@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support, With your help we are able to contribute to local causes.
8. Councillor Emily Rowley asked if we, and the Lions, would be interested in providing food during their movie night on August 17. They’re looking at showing the movie Grease, and have a 50s and 60s car show. The community events committee is meeting next week and hope to be able to add us to the list of participants. They’ll provide more details after the meeting. Supply and sell event.
9. Thank you card from Comfort Quilters for Rotary's support.
10. Foundation Walk in Newmarket Sunday October 6. More details to come.
11. D7070 Awards dinner Thursday June 20, 6 to 9pm at Whitby Legion.

Four engineers get into a car. The car does not start. The mechanical engineer says it’s a broken starter. The electrical engineer says it’s a dead battery. The chemical engineer say its impurities in the gas. The I.T. engineer says ‘Hey guys, I have an idea. How about we all get out of the car and get back in again?’
Song: Clementine
Sharing Pot: $19 won by Penny.
What are we Happy About: Got my car started, To be alive, Great presentation, Enlightening talk, Good talk, Got the cottage up and running, Alicia’s prompt to give a donation, The enjoyment of the meeting this morning, , going to Toronto to be with the kids, Thank you for Alicia’s presentation, In two weeks we may have Elizabeth here, a beautiful day.
Rotary Minute:
Vocational Training teams-forging friendships, changing lives
Three countries, three Rotary clubs and forty-two years of membership is how Douglas would sum up his Rotary journey. Now settled in Ontario-Canada, it was his early start in Rotary, while in Scotland, when he developed his deep appreciation for Rotary’s vocational training program. An early contributor in creating the reference manual and systems to support Group Study exchange in his Rotary district, this program has now evolved into The Rotary Foundation Global Grant -Vocational Training Teams (VTT) model. It offers a hands-on approach to groups of professionals who travel either to learn more about their vocation or to teach local professionals about a particular field.