Whats New at Brighton Rotary today:
Next board meeting will be held at R Daniel's cottage July 18th
Brighton Rotary together with the six Rotary Clubs in Northumberland County will plant 500 trees in our communities this fall.
Our 2024/25 inbound youth exchange student will be a young lady from Finland, to arrive mid August.Rotary cooked for the Pride Pop Up in the park June 15. $245 raised for PARM.
Rotary bottle drive by the Arena Saturday June 22 and we raised $529.30.
Street Dance on Main Street Saturday August 3.
We need some more Rotarians and friends to get food handling certified
R Steve S has tickets for the Air Show this weekend.
Canada Day BBQ duty roster circulated and full.
R Clay advised of a good meeting Monday with AURA regarding Elizabeth and family.
Vision statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Members in attendance today: 10 Correspondence:
Guests: our exchange student Gabriel from Brazil for the last time. He flies home July 1. R ADG Rob Pope from Campbellford and Jack Jacklyn
1. DG John Burns weekly news letter.
2. AG Rob has extended an invitation to DG Virginia to attend the interclub BBQ.
3. We are looking at a multi club visit with DG Virginia this fall. Possibly at Stirling Club on a Wednesday evening.
R Rob presented the club with a District Award: Ed Story District Conference Award for 2024 for highest percentage of members to attend District Conference October 2023.
President Joyce reviewed the Club's accomplishments in 2023/2024 as follows:
We have met our RI goals for the year.
As a small club, she is very impressed with our percent of participation by club members. Together we:
- Waterfront cleanup
- Bringing Elizabeth to Canada
- Rotary Youth Exchange
- Y2Y
- We support students at ENSS and
- We have a new member: Audrey Koerber
- We achieve so much with a limited number of members.
President Joyce presented the Ernie Everingham Award:
R Daniel provided a brief history of this award: Member of Rotary Club of Cobourg Started to come to meetings in Brighton on Friday mornings. He showed up for everything, signed up for everything and Ernie loved to sing. He was a member for a number of years and then it became apparent that it would be more convenient for him to continue with the Cobourg Rotary Club.
The Ernie Everingham Award was presented to Steve Blakey.
The Gavel Award:
Was presented to outgoing Rotary President Joyce Cassin by incoming Rotary President Steve Blakey.
Theme for next year: ’The Magic of Rotary’ pins were handed out to members.
Turn over meeting
New board for 2024/2025
President – Steve Blakey
Past President – Joyce Cassin
(Need President Elect and Vice-President)
Treasurer – Chris Reed
Secretary – Michael Koerber
Club Service – Daniel Thompson
Community Service – Steve Sleightholm
International Service – Clay Samis
New Generations – Joyce Cassin
Foundation – Steve Blakey
Vocational – open
SAA – Jeff Pearsall
Gabriel (Exchange Student) Update;
Gabriel is leaving Monday to return home to Brazil with his host brother who will join him for a month.
Gabriel had lots of fears, but after all, it was amazing.
The highlight of his year was that he enjoyed the trips.
When he gets back to Brazil, he will finish high school and then go to Medical School. He would like to be a surgeon.

A 65-year-old woman had a heart attack and went through a near death experience in the ER. She saw God standing at the foot of the gurney. “Is my time up?” she asked. God said “No, you have another 33 years, 22 months and 8 days.”
The woman did indeed recover from the heart attack and while recuperating made some major life-style decisions. Given she had so much more time on the planet, she figured she might as well make the most of it. She extended her stay in the hospital and had liposuction, a facelift and breast reduction. As the stitches were coming out, the visiting hairdresser dyed her hair silver blonde and an aesthetician whitened her teeth and removed age spots from the back of her hands.
She emerged on the day of her hospital release a new woman, ready to start her new life. On her way across the parking lot to the waiting Uber, she was struck by an ambulance and died moments later. Arriving in front of God, she was shocked and bewildered. “I thought you said I had another 33 years. Why didn’t you pull me from the path of that ambulance?” God replied “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.”
Song: Hello Rotarians
Sharing Pot: $26 won by R Rob who donated it to Elizabeth
What are we Happy About:.
It has been a great year Gabriel and I will cry again on Friday.
It has been nice meeting you Gabriel. Please visit us again.
Looking forward to Canada Day.
Gabriel, have a good trip home, all success on your medical career.
All is going well with Elizabeth
Happy for having Gabriel here and seeing him grow from shy to confident.
We enjoyed your company Gabriel for the past year.
Gabriel has been one of the best representatives we have had.
Allison and I have a full weekend, but we will see you on Canada Day.
A wonderful event at the weekend 5-Counties Appreciation Day.
Wonderful to be down here with you and say goodbye to Gabriel.
My grand kids are coming.
Enjoyed the 5-Counties Appreciation Day.
Rotary Minute:
From New RI President Stephanie Urchick
Toward a Greater Vision
Rotary is at its best when we foster a sense of inclusion and belonging in our clubs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that belonging is The Magic of Rotary itself.
With a focus on inclusivity and belonging, it is easier to be united in a common purpose. When we are committed to one another and focused on our goals, we are most effective.
Rotary's Action Plan can help. The Action Plan comes with tools you can use to collect feedback, assess your club's strengths and weaknesses, and address challenges.
The world is changing, and our clubs can't afford to stand still. But the changes we make need to be consistent and strategic - building on one another toward a greater vision. The Action Plan can help you work toward that vision and create effective change within your club. Following the Action Plan and addressing suggestions from the community will go a long way to fostering the sense of belonging we want all Rotary members to feel in their clubs.
That's why expanding our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is so important. Committing ourselves to each other's well-being is the first step to expanding our reach, allowing us to spread Positive Peace in these troubled times.
Peace building is one of our top priorities, and one of the most effective ways we can build peace is with our Rotary Peace Fellowships, through which peace and development professionals learn how to present and end conflict.
We offer the fellowships through our Rotary Peace Centres at leading universities around the globe, where more than 1,800 Rotary Peace Fellows have graduated. And thanks to a $15.5 million gift from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, we can continue supporting peacebuilders in more regions with the next peace centre at Bahcesehir University in Instanbul.
Opening another peace centre is a monumental achievement, and it is my great honour to invite you to celebrate at next year's Rotary Presidential Peace Conference at the Istanbul Centre. The three day conference 20-22 February will highlight the many ways family of Rotary advances peacebuilding. Registration for the conference is officially open. I hope to see you there.
The 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference has great potential for our peacebuilding efforts - but only if we have your support.
The truth is, we're not going to bring peace to the world, end polio, or grow membership by waving a wand and saying some funny words. It's up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member inducted.
I love my Rotary family and I know you do too. That's why I know that together, we can make every club and district simply irresistible. This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.